Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are they always right??

One of those things I hate to admit...... My mother was right. This is a novel by the way, really really long!!
For about a month or 2 now my mother has been getting on my case about burning the candle at both ends. In fact a few direct quotes from her have been "your going to wear yourself out until your sick" and my favorite " If you don't slow down your body will make you!" well, dang it, she was right on the nose this time! Last weekend was supposed to be fun and exciting! You know, Holiday weekend! Well, it started out good, but I woke up Saturday morning with a pretty sore throat. Blah, but you can't let a little sore throat get you down, so I lived through it for Saturday, and Sunday by just taking it easy, having a relaxing weekend. On Monday it was worse, but I really wanted to go out with this guy. So I went to an afternoon movie with him, against my mothers advice. Again, my mother was right, I shouldn't have gone. I felt worse when I got home. A lot worse. So I went straight to bed and planned on having a normal day on Tuesday. Yeah right. I was going to get ready for work, but I couldn't swallow, talk, all I could do was cry!! I felt so bad, because my job is not just one of those where they can do without you for a day!! So my mom took me to the doctor, but decided I was a big girl, and she sat in the car when I went in. Yeah, I have never, ever cried when given a strep test. Well I bawled, and the nurse felt so bad for me that she even brought me an otter pop. They did all the tests, and it turns out I have Mono!! Yeah!! Ha Ha. fabulous! So I get my medicine and instructions from the doctor to come back if my throat gets any worse. Well, it did, a lot worse. I went back in to the doctor on Wednesday and ended up getting antibiotics, steroids and fluids through an IV. and plus I got to have home health care come and show me how to give myself more medicine through my IV every 4 hours!! So here is where that mother was right thing really bites. The doctor said and I quote " sometimes your body just makes you slow down" OUCH!!! She really was right!!! I stayed on the couch or in bed for 4 days straight. I finally finished my IV meds, and I can swallow and breath now, but I'm still exhausted. I'm happy to say that I will be going back to work on Monday, come rain or shine!! I miss my little girls so much!! And one more thing, which is breaking my heart! Having mono means one big thing to me right now... I cannot go to MDA camp. I cant even go to the talent show on Sunday! I am so crushed by this. This will be the first camp I have missed since I turned 16. This would have been my 7Th year!! I'm so broken about this!!! But I guess I really am just not supposed to be there this year.

1 comment:

Amy said...

The girls keep asking "Is tomorrow a Miss Kim day?" I'm so glad I get to tell them that tomorrow is a Miss Kim day. We've missed you while you have been sick and are glad you are feeling better. We're also really sorry you don't get to go to MDA camp. We know how much it means to you.